The ladies from the 1970 cryptozoology film Skullduggery. The Tropi are bipedal hairy hominoids, which are so-called "missing links" living in the jungles of New Guinea.
One of the girls on the runway at Charlie Le Mindu
Filmed in the visual style that mimics a worn VHS home video, the film features a "loser-gang cult-freak collective" and their whereabouts in Nashville Tennessee. They literally hump trash cans, defecate, masturbate and sing nonsense verses. They seem mentally challenged, or at least emotionally and socially stunted. These characters were inspired by people Korine observed in Nashville as a child. He has described them as "the neighborhood bogeymen who worked at Krispy Kreme and would wrap themselves in shrubbery, cover themselves with dirt, and peep through the windows of other neighbors."